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She aims, she shoots, she misses

Doug Brendel

What happens after you miss the shot?

Here’s one possible answer....

It was a year ago this month that Covid took our beloved Great Kozovaya.

This week, I found a long-forgotten series of photos.

Here they are:

The whole slideshow will take you barely 3 minutes and 45 seconds. (m4v format)

If you need it in another format, you can try this. (mov format)

We were in Vysokovsk, at a boarding school for children with medical issues.

In the gym, waiting for the director, photographer Oleg began fooling around, throwing a ball.

You’ll see our driver in the background, missing a basket.

Then Kozovaya decides to try. She doesn’t even put down her purse.

She aims, she shoots.

When she misses, she doesn’t giggle and give up.

She aims and shoots again.

It’s how she lived. It’s how she taught us to live.

It’s how New Thing operates.

Maybe we can’t solve every problem.

But we can keep looking at the basket, and taking aim.

We can keep shooting, no matter what.

And when we make a basket, someone’s life is better.

I love the last photo.

Kozovaya doesn’t take time to celebrate.

She lowers her head, humbly.

She takes private delight in making the basket, but she knows...

There are more shots to be made, in the days ahead.

Thanks for journeying with us.

Thanks for aiming and shooting at the basket with us!

Thanks for changing lives with us!

Much love,

Doug Brendel

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