It’s not like a Charles Dickens story anymore.
Yes, the former Soviet Republic of Belarus used to have big, imposing orphanages full of children.
Today, orphaned children in Belarus live in comfortable homes, with their brothers and sisters, and house parents, maybe even pets. The children go to school, visit the doctor, enjoy a good life.
But when they “age out” of the system, they need help. They’re not “cute little kids” anymore — they’re on the verge of adulthood. They’ll head to university, or trade school.
A place to live will be provided. But they’ll need the everyday basics of life that most of us take for granted: bedding, kitchenware, and more.
That’s where New Thing comes in.
Each year, at graduation time, another year’s worth of orphans approach age 18; we provide “Life Starter Kits” as they prepare to head out into the world on their own.
Each young person receives a blanket, a pillow, bed linens, pots and pans, a tea kettle, an iron — and more, depending on how generous our friends can be.
We celebrate their “launch” ... and then we watch them grow!

You can be part of this adventure. Donate to New Thing, and help share a “Life Starter Kit” with a Belarusian young person.
You can make a beautiful personal difference for people in need in Belarus. Make a tax-deductible contribution of any amount and your gift will be acknowledged promptly, and you’ll be receipted for your records.