I’m a couple hours away from leaving for Belarus.
I hope to be able to tell Director Larisa that we can provide a year’s worth of basic medicines for the disabled children at the boarding school at Osipovichi.
But we’re still $1,747.12 short of the goal.
I hope there are 10 friends who can give a major gift of $174.71 right now … or 20 friends who can give $87.36 each.
Or if you can give $58.24 you’ll be 1 of 30 friends coming together for this very good cause.
Whatever you can give right now will make a beautiful impact.
When a disabled child has a headache, or a runny nose … or needs a diaper changed…
or scrapes a knee and needs a little ointment and gauze…
Your love will make the difference.
Thank you in advance.
Much love,
Doug Brendel