I’ve learned from “The Great Kozovaya” and our “Response of the Heart” team in Minsk about a serious need which I hope you can help with. There’s a boarding school for children with mental and physical disabilities in the town of Osipovichi (pronounced oh-see-POE-vee-chee).
Their state funding covers specialized medicines necessary to their unique conditions. But there’s not enough money for basic everyday medicines and supplies. They need things like B6 and B12 and multi-vitamins. Gauze and cotton balls. Medical gloves. Hydrogen peroxide. Amoxycillin and more than 50 other medicines.
The costs aren’t huge, they’re just out of reach for this boarding school, trying to get by in the difficult Belarusian economy. All the vitamins, for example, will cost just $77.70. You can see the whole list here.
But they need so many different medicines and supplies, the total need is $1,153.51. So any gift you can give online right now — large, small, or in between — will be a real help. Maybe you’ll look at the list and something will jump out at you that you’d like to provide. Or maybe you could just be one of 10 friends who gives $115.35? I don’t know.
In any case, I hope to hear from you right away. Meanwhile, if you’d like to “visit” the boarding school, there are a few photos here.
Thanks for journeying with us! Much love, Doug Brendel