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Buckets of food

Doug Brendel

Updated: Sep 6, 2019


“Buckets of food” sounds like a good thing … until you realize they’re actual buckets. Old enameled buckets.

That’s no way to carry food. Especially not in a hospital. Especially not when you’re feeding children with infectious diseases.

But that’s how it is in Ushachi, Belarus, 45 miles from the Russian border.

At the old hospital there, the “infectious diseases” ward is a separate building. Staffers carry food from the kitchen in buckets. The food gets cold (the workers wrap the buckets in cloth to try to keep them warm), the liquids spill, if a worker loses her footing on the icy path, whole meals can be lost in an instant.

In fact, they’re using the same buckets to carry food to the children’s wing, the maternity ward, and even ICU.

Because buckets are all they have.

They need safe, modern, insulated food containers — for a hospital this size, they really need a system of multiple containers.

A big, sealable, temperature-controlled food-system container — washable, high-strength, microwave-safe, designed for easy carrying — costs $249.22.

For a hospital this size, they really need 12 such containers — head doctor Sergey says their truly urgent need is for seven — but could we provide at least one, this Christmas?

Maybe you could help. I hope so.

If three friends each give a special “New Thing” Christmas gift $83.07, we can buy one container.

Or maybe you could provide half the cost of a container, with a gift of $124.61.

But anything you’re able to do will be a real help.

Please get back to me right away on this. I’d love to send a message from New Thing to Dr. Sergey that says, “Merry Christmas! Order the containers!”

Thanks for journeying with us! Much love, Doug Brendel

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