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9 kids in trouble

Doug Brendel

Updated: Sep 6, 2019


These 9 orphans will leave the Kobryn, Belarus “children’s village” in days — they can’t stay, they’ve “aged out.”

They’ll leave with nothing — or we can help them.

Most will go to a dormitory-type setting, where they’ll have to fend for themselves.

It’s not like the U.S.

They’ll need bed linens, a pot and pan so they can cook for themselves, the basic necessities.

One of my interpreters remembers leaving the orphanage where she had spent virtually her whole life.

In the dorm, she had nothing to cook with, no blanket or pillow.

She wept tears of grief and terror.

By God’s grace, someone helped her. Today she’s a successful adult.

But many Belarusian orphans spin out.

They leave “the system” with nothing, and they descend into crime, drugs, prostitution, violence, anything to survive.

I don’t want to see that happen to these kids.

Especially after the workers at the “Children’s Village” at Kobryn have devoted years to caring for them, giving them a warm family environment to grow up in.

We need a total of $825.21 right away.

* A gift from you of $54.59 will provide a blanket, a pillow, and bed linens for one orphan.

* A gift of $91.69 will provide all that plus pots and pans.

If we receive more than the total we need, we’ll provide irons and tea kettles, too.

Whatever you can do immediately will be a real help.

Thanks for journeying with us!

Much love,

Doug Brendel

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