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You did it!

Doug Brendel

Greetings, and congratulations on surviving “Giving Tuesday”! 🤭

My inbox was clogged; was yours? Lots of appeals from various charities, lots of good causes.

New Thing has never made a “Giving Tuesday” pitch.

Over these 20+ years, most of our friends have simply given whenever their heart prompted them (some of them every month) to meet needs in Belarus.

Those friends were extra-important this week, as we wrapped up our annual Thanksgiving campaign to provide a meds for the children with disabilities at the boarding school in Osipovichi.

I’m grateful for the 43 generous households who gave a total of $5178.13 toward the $6000 goal.

And special thanks to friends who’ve given this year without being asked. We used a portion of your donations to close the $821.87 gap.

God bless all the generous hearts who have helped so many children and adults, so many families and individuals, all over Belarus down through the years!

You have made, and you continue to make, a real difference in thousands of lives.

More adventures to come!

Thanks for journeying with New Thing.

Much love,

Doug Brendel

(Photos by Oleg Yarovenko)

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