I am delighted to report that 35 households gave generously (some two or even three times!) to provide sleeper-sofas for the orphan homes at Kobryn.
We reached the $7000 goal, so a tremendous Matching Challenge from a dear friend will double every gift given!
I’ve alerted our “Response of the Heart” team in Minsk that the sleeper-sofas can be ordered and delivered — and our great photographer Oleg will be on hand to shoot photos for you!
Now, for the first time in decades, all 15 homes in the Children’s Village will have new sofas.
No more broken springs, torn fabric, irreparable damage — and no more uncomfortable nights of sleep for the college kids when they come home on break.
God bless everyone who gave so generously.
Thanks for journeying with New Thing.
More adventures to come!
Much love,
Doug Brendel