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Tylenol? Aleve? Whatever you like...

Doug Brendel

I twisted my back. I’ve been living on ibuprofen for a few days.

I’m lucky. Ibu is easy. It’s right there, in my medicine cabinet.

If I run out, Market Basket is 5 minutes away.

The disabled children at Osipovichi live in a harsher world.

At this boarding school in Belarus, in the former USSR, there’s no Excedrin, no Band-aids, no cotton balls, unless someone helps.

There’s no budget for the basic “normal” stuff you find in your own bathroom.

So every year, as Thanksgiving approaches, I ask the friends of New Thing to give these caregivers something to be thankful for: 

A full year’s worth of basic meds and medical supplies, for the disabled children in their care. Not just aspirin and vitamins, but also:

• meds they need for brain function,  • meds to fight progressive muscle weakness,  • meds to ease muscle tension in kids with cerebral palsy — and more.

It will take a total of $3,642.12. But two of our friends have stepped up to offer this challenge: If we can raise half the money — $1,821.06 — they’ll give the other half.

This means every $1 you can give today will effectively become $2.

• I’m hoping for 30 friends to give a “Thanksgiving gift” of $60.70 today.

• Or maybe you can be one of 20 friends giving $91.05 each.

But whatever gift you can give, large or small, you’ll be doing a beautiful thing.Please donate online right now — or put a check in the mail ASAP — to help us reach the goal and provide for the kids.

When I was at Osipovichi last month, the director was absolutely passionate in her thanks for New Thing’s support.

“You have changed our lives,” she said. “We don’t have to worry about medicines for our children anymore. Thank you for this!

Please let me send her a Thanksgiving message of good news: “The meds will be there, for another year!”

I hope to hear from you right away. Thanks for journeying with us!

Much love, Doug Brendel

P.S. You can meet the kids via our previous photo reports from Osipovichi here: mid-Oct • early Oct • 2018 • Oct 2017 • Jan 2017 • Jun 2016 • Mar 2016

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