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Two grainy images tell the whole story

Doug Brendel


  1. A mysterious man named Sergei, 32 years old, contacted “The Great Kozovaya,” leader of our “Response of the Heart” team in Minsk.

He had a birthday coming up, and he had decided to celebrate by paying for a delicious lunch for all the homeless and poor at our “soup kitchen.”

We don’t know much about Sergei.

He didn’t want any photos.

“God sees well,” he said.

Then came International Women’s Day, widely celebrated in Belarus.

  1. A businessman decided to mark the occasion by providing flowers for all the women at the soup kitchen.

You and I click on 1-800-FLOWERS and send Mom a dozen of something.

For many of these Belarusian women, it was the first time in their entire lives that they had received flowers.

You can see a little, in these two low-quality screen grabs, how precious this moment was.

Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 8.02.13 PM.png

  1. One homeless woman, seated before her simple lunch (provided by friends like you), handles her flower like a delicate work of art, a thing of wonder.

  2. The other draws the petals to her nose, to take in the love. She almost kisses it.

On the one hand, it breaks my heart, to realize what deprivation they have suffered.

On the other hand, it gladdens my heart, to know that they are experiencing God’s love, thanks to you, every single day.

And that people in Minsk are learning of this work, and want to be involved … that’s HUGE.

Thank you for being a part of it. We need you!

More adventures to come….

Much love,

Doug Brendel


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