In this season of strife, with all its anger and fear, I hope you are well.
And I invite you to do a good deed.
The hearing-impaired children of Babruisk, Belarus, need our help.
You can visit them by taking a look at the photo report I posted back in January.
The workers at this boarding school help the kids learn skills so they’ll be able to function as adults.
Sewing is a crucial skill — but their sewing machines are old and broken-down.
Learning is slow and awkward because only 2 machines still work.
I hope we can provide new machines. It will take a total of $770.
But there’s another, bigger problem.
It’s summer now, but these kids will be freezing, come winter — because the windows of the boarding school are so old and rotten.
To replace a window will take $360.
I hope, before summer is over, we can provide for 4 windows — so they can be installed before it gets cold.
I know it’s a lot of money — $1440 for windows, and $770 for sewing machines ... a total of $2210.
But if every friend of New Thing will do whatever they can, I think we can get there.
Would you please consider helping, with a gift today?
Thank you for being a part of this, however you’re able to.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Much love,
Doug Brendel