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Spring cleaning?

Doug Brendel

Updated: Sep 6, 2019

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My wife Kristina is not inclined to exaggeration.

She’s a very measured person. She rarely uses strong language.

So the message I received from her got my attention.

“Awful.” “Horrid.” “The worst.”

She was in Staroborisov, or “Old Borisov,” a town in the north of Belarus.

There’s a boarding school and medical facility for children at risk of TB.

400 total, every year; up to 160 at a time.

With the worst laundry facilities Kristina has ever seen, in 26 years of visits of Belarus.

If you go to my original photo report here, and scroll down, you can see the terrible equipment.

Now, as I start thinking about spring cleaning in my own home, I can’t stop thinking about them…

the workers at Old Borisov, caring for hundreds of children.

I want to get them a huge commercial dryer. 

One that can handle a massive amount of work and not break down.

It will take a total of $3,174.10 for purchase, delivery, and installation.

That’s a lot of money. But I think if everyone journeying with New Thing participates, we can get there.

All we need is 50 friends giving $63.48. Maybe you could do more.

Or maybe you could even be 1 of 10 giving $317.41.

And I know, if we manage to do this, the workers at Old Borisov will weep with joy.

If by some miracle we go over the goal, every dollar donated will still go entirely into Belarus.

New Thing is 100% volunteer on the U.S., so not a single penny goes into “overhead.”

Thank you for thinking about it, and doing what you can.

And thanks for journeying with us!

Much love,

Doug Brendel


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