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  • Doug Brendel

She’s off!

Updated: Sep 6, 2019



A quick note to update you on New Thing’s work in Belarus:

1. My wife Kristina left last night for Minsk. (I’m the one staying home with our school-age daughter this time.) I’ll be able to start sending you her photo reports after a few days.

2. We’re signed up for Amazon Smile. If you shop on Amazon, you can automatically donate a portion of your purchases to New Thing without increasing your costs or taking any special action. Just go to instead of when you shop, and choose New Thing as the charity you want to support.

3. I make it a habit never to make fun of Belarus, but an online article about Russian foods made me smile. I’ve eaten most of these foods in Belarus, and LOVED them 🙂

4. Here’s the latest little twist in the ongoing saga of Belarusian economic woes … just 4 brief paragraphs from the Moscow Times. This makes me even more grateful for friends who support our work among the needy ones in Belarus.

Thanks for journeying with us.

Much love, Doug

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