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Major league compassion

Doug Brendel

It’s hard to be homeless, or poor, or disabled.

In the big city, you might find help, but get out into remote areas, and things are different.

But there is hope, in Belarus, for people who live not in Minsk but in outlying areas.

They have hope because there are caring people like you in the world....

Лига Добра (say lee-gah DOE-brah), the “League of Good,” is a Minsk-based network of homes for the homeless.

The League is supported in part by our “Response of the Heart” team, through the generosity of the New Thing family.

With support from “Response of the Heart,” the League has added mobile feeding for folks in need in outlying areas.

This past month, with summer mercifully hanging on, they visited the Molodechno area.

Friends giving generously to New Thing funded transportation, tableware for the hot meal served by volunteers, and toiletries and takeaway food for homeless, poor, elderly, and/or disabled guests: a total of some 80 people in three districts.

A blessing they might never known ... except for friends like you, turning compassion into action.

Thanks for journeying with New Thing.

More adventures to come!

Much love,

Doug Brendel

(Photos by League leader Dmitri)

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