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It hits home

Doug Brendel

The heart-rending protests in Belarus came to our neighborhood this past weekend.

The yellow building in the background is where we live. This is Karl Marx Street.

You can see the balcony of our top-floor flat, directly under the triangle arch. The site of this protest, across the street from our building, was the Grunwald Cafe, where we’ve eaten many times. This was where I had my last meal with The Great Kozovaya before her passing.

Without making any comment on the politics of the situation, here’s a brief, very rough video, a little over 2 minutes. In spite of the unrest, our “Response of the Heart” team continues serving people in need all over the country. Faithful, generous support for New Thing from friends like you makes their work possible. Thank you to all who give. If you’re interested in following developments in Belarus, you can download the free Telegram app  After you load the app, open it and search for “Nexta.” Nexta provides an almost continuous feed of video and news from Belarus.  It’s all in Russian, but if there’s text you want to read in English to help you understand a piece of video, you can copy and paste the text into Google Translate. Meanwhile, please pray for Belarus. Thanks for journeying with us! Much love, Doug Brendel ---------------

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