Happy New Year!
If you made New Year’s resolutions a year ago…
If you resolved to get as close as possible to $9 R.O.I. on every $1 you contributed to compassionate outreaches…
If you resolved to send at least half a million pounds of practical aid to people in need…
If you resolved to help at least 2,500 needy families face-to-face…
If you resolved to offer a healthy lunch to more than 100 homeless and poor every single day…
Then maybe you not only fulfilled your New Year’s resolutions — maybe you EXCEEDED them.
Everyone who supported New Thing in 2018 did all of that, and more, in the former USSR.
You also had a part in all this:
You gave “Life Starter Kits” to graduating orphans at Kobryn, Belarus.
You provided a commercial dryer for care of hundreds of children at risk of tuberculosis in Old Borisov.
You gave big, fluffy bath towels to speech-impaired children at Novogrudok.
You sent disabled children and their families from Dzerzhinsk to summer camp — and to the circus
You delivered, to children in various institutions, countless gift boxes donated by various groups in other countries.
You provided legal and medical help to homeless folks in Minsk.
You funded a new shower as well as cribs, mattresses, high chairs, and dining room tables and chairs for the hospital at Volozhin.
You provided a whole year’s worth of basic medications and medical supplies for care of disabled children at Osipovichi.
You gave inhalers and other medical equipment to workers at Uzda so they could care for immune-compromised children.
And the list goes on.
I can’t thank you enough.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
You’ve succeeded.
Thanks for journeying with us!
Much love,
Doug Brendel