Hello! Let me introduce you to Veronica.
She’s 1 of 16 orphans we’re hoping to send off to college or trade school with a Life Starter Kit.
Veronica arrived at Children’s Village 3 years ago with her 2 brothers.
She’s a good student — and for fun, she loves to sing—
And her house-mom reports that she’s the best helper in the household!
Her longterm plan? Law school, and a career as an investigator.
We want to launch her with a laptop, kitchenware, bedding, and more.
30 generous households have given a total of $8,849.03 toward the $10,280 we’ll need for Kits for all 16 graduating orphans.
God bless all who’ve already given!
If you’d like to help close the $1,430.97 gap, I’ll be truly grateful. So will the students and their caregivers!
Any donation, large or small, will make a real difference.
Thanks for journeying with New Thing!
Much love,
Doug Brendel