Tomorrow is the big day ... when our dear Lydia Danielevna turns 80!
Because of the 7-hour time difference, I’ll email her tonight so she’ll get the great news tomorrow morning:
Friends of New Thing have donated $1,500 in honor of her birthday!
She will be able to disburse these funds as she sees fit to help the underprivileged of Belarus.
People don’t realize how instrumental she was in launching New Thing. She was the one who introduced me to The Great Kozovaya years ago. She had a vision for our work before our work was our work!
And look what it’s become. We’re now the biggest ongoing humanitarian-aid operation in the Republic of Belarus, helping tens of thousands of people every year, face to face, heart to heart.
So I think it’s really right that we celebrate Lydia Danielevna’s life and work — and the fact that she’s still healthy, strong, and working hard every day, as she turns 80!
I know she will be overjoyed when I spring this birthday surprise on her, on the 20th. And you can have complete confidence that she will invest the entire gift where it’s most needed. I’ll keep you posted on that.
Thank you to all the wonderful friends who gave so generously to make this celebration happen!
And thanks to all for journeying with us!
Much love,
Doug Brendel
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