A baby is a treasure.
But in a place with more deaths than births, a baby is special cause for celebration.
Belarus is one of those places. With the death rate outpacing the birth rate, Belarus is losing population.
So when you see a little child, you see a country hanging on for dear life.
There are 6 baby-strollers on a truck in Ireland, designated for Belarus.
Somewhere in Belarus, there are 6 new mommies who can’t afford a stroller.
I’d like to give each of them a brand-new donated stroller.
To celebrate life.
To say to Belarus, “We are with you in spirit.”
The truck is stuck in Ireland, with a total of 8.25 tons of donated goods (worth $48,963.21) —
toys, fabric, children’s bikes, furniture, shoes, and more —
for lack of funds to make the trip.
13 generous friends have given a total of $1,427 toward the $7,232.38 need.
I am grateful.
If you can help, please do so now.
Every $1 given will release $6.77 in aid to needy people in Belarus.
The deadline is 33 days away.
If the money isn’t there by then, the Irish volunteers will miss their window of availability.
Then the truck won’t be able to go to Belarus till May of 2015.
And the babies will be growing up.
Thanks for whatever you can do.
Much love,
Doug Brendel
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