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  • Doug Brendel

30 years in 17 seconds

Daddy died. Mommy couldn’t cope.

Or Daddy never showed. Mommy went to jail.

Or someone got sick. Or in a moment of despair, simply vanished.

However it happens, the child is orphaned.

Gone are the hulking gray orphanages of Belarus.

In Kobryn, near the Polish border, orphans live in group homes.

The homes, each with a house parent or two, are clustered into a “Children’s Village.”

Friends of New Thing help by providing essentials, and sometimes extras.

The Children’s Village has been caring for orphans for 30 years.

Last week they threw themselves a 30th birthday party.

New Thing was there, in spirit. And in bubbles. I’ll bring you photos soon, but I thought you’d enjoy a little video today.

17 seconds of sheer delight. Your love in action. God bless you for loving the orphans of Belarus. And the homeless, the sick, the disabled, the elderly, so many others in need. We’re all-volunteer on the U.S. side, so every penny you give to New Thing goes directly into Belarus. Thanks for journeying with us! Much love, Doug Brendel

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