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100 hours

Doug Brendel

The disabled kids at Osipovichi need meds, including vitamins to strengthen their immune systems, and basic medicine-cabinet supplies.

Every year, New Thing has a lovely tradition of funding a whole year’s worth of these necessities for the kids.

This year, if we give a total of $1,642.12 by Thanksgiving Day, two friends will release an additional $2,000, and we’ll make the total budget.

About 100 hours — that’s how long we have to meet the Matching Challenge goal. As I write this, 17 generous friends have given a total of $1,274.13.

I am grateful!

But we still need $367.99.

Could you be 1 of 5 friends to give $73.60 today, to close the gap?

Or maybe there are 10 friends who could give $36.80 each?

Whatever you can give, the kids — and the workers giving their lives to care for them — will be grateful.

I will, too.

Thanks for journeying with us!

Much love,

Doug Brendel

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