When you step out of the shower, you reach for the towel, right?
Now imagine — instead of your bath towel, all you find is a thin dish towel, from your kitchen.
Happy? No.
But this is how 118 children are living, in the town of Novogrudok, in Belarus.
They’re speech-impaired children, being cared for in a year-round boarding school.
Their “bath towels” are miserable, thin, old dish-towel-sized rectangles of fabric.
I hope we can fix that.
A friend of mine has offered us a Matching Challenge.
If you give enough for a BIG, FLUFFY bath towel for one of these children, he and his friends will match your gift.
I think you’ll love these kids!
(Widen your browser to enjoy the photos fully.)
Or you can simply give a tax-deductible contribution to New Thing here.
And everything you give will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to the total of the Challenge.
I hope you can help.
Thanks for journeying with us!
Much love,
Doug Brendel