It’s not just for the children with disabilities, in the boarding school at Osipovichi, Belarus, that I’m asking for your help this Thanksgiving.
It’s for the workers who are giving their lives to care for these children.
Many of the children are orphans; the workers here are their only family.

The workers love the kids. They hurt when the kids hurt.
When a child has an “owie” and needs an aspirin or a Band-Aid, that worker desperately wants to meet the need.
New Thing is the boarding school’s only source for basic meds and supplies.
It’s our Thanksgiving tradition, every year, to provide another year’s worth.
Two friends have offered a Matching Challenge:
If friends like you will give a total of $1,821.06 — half the total — they’ll give the other half.
This means your gift today will effectively double.
But the Matching Challenge funds won’t be released unless we make the goal by Thanksgiving Day.
As I write this, 9 friends have responded with gifts, for a total of $794.10.
We still have $1,026.96 to go — and only 9 days left.
If 10 friends give $102.70 each, we’ll make it.
Whatever you give, your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar as soon as we hit the goal.
As you think about your own Thanksgiving plans...
Please also think about a boarding school full of children and workers in faraway Belarus,
Thanks for journeying with us!
Much love,
Doug Brendel