This is to ask a favor. It’s small, and at the same time, it’s huge.
You saw the soup kitchen we’ve established for the homeless, the poor, the disabled people of Minsk. It’s the single biggest step of faith we’ve ever taken — because of the cost of utilities, especially in the deep Belarusian winter.
As careful as we are with expenses, we’ve been operating our entire ministry, all across Belarus, for just $4,000 a month. Now, with the soup kitchen added, it will take an average of $4,641 a month.
A few deeply committed friends have stepped up and committed to covering our soup kitchen utilities for several months of the year. But there’s still an average monthly shortfall of $133.
So I’m asking every friend of New Thing to take one small action: Click here and commit to a monthly donation, to help us keep this building, and keep this work of compassion going. Any monthly gift, large or small, will be an enormous help.
A few friends are already giving every month. Some have been giving monthly for years. Some give $10 or $20 a month. Others give hundreds. And there are several in between. But it’s the faithfulness that makes the biggest difference.
Whatever commitment you can make, I hope you’ll do it right away. We need to know that we can keep our doors open for those who have no one else to turn to.
Thanks for letting me share this need, this opportunity, with you. And thanks for journeying with us. Much love, Doug Brendel