Doug Brendel

Jun 30, 20191 min

Shave and a haircut, half a ruble! (Actually, no rubles)

Did you get a “summer cut” from your favorite stylist? Me too!

But haircuts are a luxury for the homeless.

So our “Response of the Heart” team, in our adopted homeland of Belarus, arranged with local hair stylists to provide free haircuts at our daily “soup kitchen,” in Minsk.

At first, our homeless friends were a bit reluctant. Especially because they had to start outside, under a garden hose, getting a shampoo! This felt weird … Some of these folks hadn’t had a shampoo in a loooooong time.

But then the first brave souls headed back inside for their haircuts — and as they emerged, looking beautiful, suddenly the others were good to go!

By the end of the day, “The Great Kozovaya” reports, the hairdressers were exhausted. But happy!

I’m sorry our awesome photographer Oleg was unable to be there to shoot photos. But Kozovaya took these pix for you with her tablet.

We already feed the homeless every day, and connect them to medical, legal, and other urgently needed resources. But haircuts sure seemed like a good summertime idea, don’t you think?

Thank you to all who give so generously to New Thing, to enable our ministry to the homeless of Minsk,as well as to thousands of orphans, disabled children, foster families, hospital patients, and the list goes on!

Have a great summer! Thanks for journeying with us!

Much love,

Doug Brendel


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